Thursday, June 19, 2008

"Blowfish" shoes

"Blowfish" shoes
Originally uploaded by joeysews5
I took my girls to the mall last night and I found these "blowfish" shoes. I really, really like them. (You should have seen the poor salesman's face when I took the pic) My girls already think I'm crazy and a total embarrasment to them. What can I say, they're teenagers!!!

They are now my motivation to sew lots of stuff to get ready for the 4th of July Craft Booth. I need to make money to buy them.

Come and see me at the Pueblo West 4th of July Extravaganza and help me buy these shoes!!!!

On the ride home, I looked at both of the girls and had this overwhelming sense of pride. I got super lucky, our kids are good and I realized they are good people! The world will be a better place with them in it!!!


Christina Lane | The Sometimes Crafter said...

So cute! Were you able to buy them?

tid bit said...

Oh, those are some seriously cute shoes!! I hope you got them!