This is a shower gift ensemble I put together. When I heard the nursery was going to be monkey theme, I just had to try this monkey laundry bag. It is a pattern from Amy Butler's Little Stitches book. I am so happy with how it came out. The rest of the ensemble includes: 2 baskets, blanket, bib, booties, 2 burp cloths, and a pacifier pouch. Also, I embroidered three outfits with the baby's name.
I think I actually have enough material to make another set. Hmmmm, anyone?
Wow these are so cute, you are so talented - you should sell these :)
Laura x
Cool! Nice!
I love the monkey backpack. Do you have a pattern?
LOVE what you've done!
I only wish I was as talented as you!
wow... i want to learn how to make that stuff.
Tack för att du önskar oss alla stunder av fred, tydlighet och oändliga möjligheter. Fortsätt skriva och vi fortsätter att läsa en sådan en mycket trevlig och inspirerande blogg.
Woooooow these are so so cute!!!
Hi. I chanced upon your blog using the "Next Blog" button on the blogger toolbar and loved the things you have made. Do you sell them somewhere online?
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