Saturday, November 15, 2008

Music To My Ears

Ok, I added some music to my blog but you have to go ALL the way to the bottom of the page to listen to it. I can't figure out how to get it to post with this post. But I did make a play list and post it to my blog. I'm excited about that but frustrated that I can't have it with this post. Anyways, enjoy some of my favorite music.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Assembly Line Sewing

Assembly Line Sewing
Originally uploaded by joeysews
I have some orders for some bags (yea!). This is about all the assembly line sewing I can do. This is two bags of the same pattern. It's the Amy Butler "frenchy" pattern. I love that pattern. I have gotten a few orders in the last week and am so excited. I love to sew and I love making extra money (although, it always feels like it goes into the checkbook and from there I don't know where it ends up). But at least I get to sew.

I also have an order for 10 pairs of lounge pants made from "vintage" sheets. I have that order about half finished. They are coming out so cute. Each one I make I think "ooh, these are my favorite" then I make another pair and "ooh, THESE are my favorite"!

And then I have a long list of items to make for Christmas which involves more assembly line sewing. I had it planned out where I could sew on Saturday for 8 hours but that hasn't happened yet. And how many days til Christmas? and how much time do I need to send stuff to the West coast to arrive by Chriistmas? Did I mention I love to sew? I really do there's just not enough time!


Thursday, November 6, 2008

For ????

McCalls 5697
Originally uploaded by joeysews
I just love this pattern from McCalls and I wanted to make this jacket for our local quilt guilds holiday fair but didn't get it finished in time. Actually, I still don't have the buttons on it either. It's a size 7 ( would probably fit up to size 10) Might send it to my niece (lucky girl) but will have to ask her mom if it's her style- you know how girls can get picky!

It is made from a sheet I thrifted at a local thrift store and here's a funny thing. It's from IKEA. We don't even have an IKEA in Colorado (but I have heard rumors of one coming to Broomfield - anyone???). It's funny how these things just seem to find me and at the right price too. I think I spent $3.

I've made two other jackets with this pattern but this time I made the flouncy sleeve version - ooh, I really like it.. I want to make more, more more. I want to try one with a lining. Hmm, will have to think about how to adjust the pattern. Ok, off to the drawing board for that one.