Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Summer is Here

My girls' last day of school will be tomorrow. Bring it on, Summer! I am so ready and so are they. I hope, with help from them, to get more sewing done throughout the week and set up a booth at the local Farmer's market every week.

I am a little concerned about our computer situation. The girls have computers (in which I have been using for blog posting) but they will turn them into the school tomorrow and our home computer is SO slow. I will either 1) have to have the home computer fixed or 2) go to the library a couple of times a week. Both have their pros and cons i.e. the computer fixing will cost $$$$ but I won't have to leave the house to use it and I will have to leave the house to use the library computer BUT it is a brand spankin new library and it is gorgeous!!! So, we'll see.

Actually, if I just sewed instead of being on the computer I could get so much done.


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Dress and Bloomers

I don't know how you bloggers/sewers do it. I mean I love to sew and blog but I'm just not good at doing both. You see, I made this little dress with adorable little undies and seriously . . . I think it took me JUST as long to 1) find the right hanger 2) find a place to take a pic of the dress 3) adjust the dress so it didn't look like I was drunk when I was sewing 4) find the camera cord to upload the picture and 5) beg the teenagers to let me have a little computer time. I KNOW it took me as long to do all that as it did to make that dress. Wow! Maybe I should stick to just sewing (I'm not even sure anyone reads my blog anyways) :(

I wanted my new little niece to have something that actually fits when they are only 1 week old - and it took like no fabric at all. I wanted to also make a pair of booties but haven't yet but will before I see her on sunday. Guaranteed I won't be posting a picture on the blog - just can't justify the time! I could sew her a whole nother outfit! Sounds good to me.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Charming Handbag

I had wanted to sign up for the BTR (Bend the Rules) Charming Handbag swap but I just missed the deadline. I tried to email to get in but partners were already passed out. BUT then I did get an email asking if I wanted to "angel" a bag. and I did. Sent it yesterday. It was fun to make. My girl said she liked orange and brown - hope it's not too juvenile looking for her.