Monday, March 31, 2008

All Dog's Done

all dog things
Originally uploaded by joeysews5
Finally finished the burps, bibs, onesies and blanket. The flannel is from JoAnns with dogs printed on it and I used brown and yellow solid flannel. I really think they came out cute. Funny thing is that after I had purchased the fabrics for this project the front of my next JoAnn's add had this fabric on the front made into a dog bed! A dog bed, not cute little items for a dear, precious newborn baby!! Maybe they should have used my pic (HaHa). Anyways, a month after I purchased the project is done. I will take it to "SewNShare" at my quilt meeting on Monday and then the gift goes to my friend.


Jona Giammalva said...

Ooooh! Is that the new Debbie Mumm fabric?? What a beautiful layette!

Unknown said...

Too cute!!!! These are adorable!!!!