Isn't it funny where our sewing will take us? Who knew when I started sewing yesterday that I would make a couple of BIG bags and then in the evening be making a couple of small bags. (and lovin' it!)
The Big bag is my own design - it doesn't "wow" me but it will do. It needs something . . . but it would still be very functional. It is roomy enough to take to Farmers Markets or the Beach or would be great as a diaper bag. If I was going to keep it, I would use it to transport a sewing project to a friends house.
The small one is from here. I don't know how these things find me but it was perfect timing because I was looking for bag patterns and I had to control myself from buying all of the patterns. I love that you are able to make things from the patterns to sell if you give credit to the pattern maker. I like that alot of designers are giving their permission for you to sell things made from their patterns. So generous.
I purchased another pattern from their site. Hoping to make some up today. Any guesses on what pattern I bought?
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